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The Return to Fitness & Activities

Martin Paice

With the excellent news that shops & gyms can re-open, we can have a few cold ones in the pub gardens and get our overgrown barnets sorted out, plus fitness classes and more sports returning. There is so much room in our schedules for activities.

I guess the big mistake people can make is thinking they will be able to perform as well as they could the last time they were lifting some tin or out with their team mates.

Realistically, after having a few months off and despite our best intentions with home workouts, runs etc, it’s highly unlikely you’ll be anywhere near “match fit” or near your previous lifting numbers. Returning at this high load or intensity too early can increase your risk of injury – and no one want to be out injured when all the good stuff has started opening again.

It’s a bit like a hangover. Injuries tend to be caused by doing too much, too quickly and as soon as we feel a bit better, we do it all over again

Whether you're a footballer, gym goer, a runner, netballer, hockey player, exercise classer, weekend warrior, these may help in order to reduce the risk of injury:

1. Warm Up!

We're all guilty of just doing a few static stretches and off we go, maybe throw in some deep heat spray too. Instead, warm up by performing movements similar to what you're about to do in the sessions (squat, lunge, hinge, rotate etc) and also look at bringing up the heart rate

2. Build up gradually

For example, the runners - increase your minutes and distance incrementally. The gym goers - start with a comfortable weight, sets and reps and look to gradually increase. This is the perfect time for people to really nail form and technique

3. Recovery

If you follow the main core pillars (HYDRATION, NUTRITION, SLEEP) then you won't go far wrong. Additions like foam rolling, ice, heat, massage guns MAY help but possibly only in short spells and with limited effects

4. Niggles

Niggles are quite common and normally it's your body's way of saying to slow down, deload and re-evaluate your sessions. It's easier to address the niggle at its earlier stage rather than ignoring it (we've all done that too!) and letting the niggle develop into something potentially more problematic

5. Go and enjoy it!

Enjoy the benefits of your activity from the social side, the physical side and mental side

If you have any questions about your niggles, your performance or training, I'd love to help. Get in contact with my details below or via my socials!

Stay Safe


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